Free shipping. Pack Top Coat for quick drying of nails Seche Vite, is an enamel that provides shine and extreme speed of drying nail polish, it is really considered the best Top Coat on the market, thanks to its effectiveness, since in seconds we have results.
Pack Top Coat for quick drying of nails Seche Vite, is an enamel that provides shine and extreme speed of drying nail polish, it is really considered the best Top Coat on the market, thanks to its effectiveness, since in seconds we have results.
It can be used with enamels of any brand, it is easy to apply and helps us to get stronger nails, therefore its use takes care of our nails.
How to use:
We apply a soft and thin layer of Top Coat on the enameled nails, it is recommended that they are still wet. In seconds we will achieve a perfect finish.
Un resultado profesional, brillo y duración increíbles
Genial ha sido impresionante No importa que no seas muy profesional o eficaz al pintarte o que los esmaltes no sean de una gran calidad, queda una manicura que parece total mente profesional: elimina las imperfecciones y también deja un brillo increíble, seca en muy pocos minutos y dura mucho mas que cualquier top coat que haya probado. Es ideal para fijar pegatinas, que duran mucho tiempo. Los inconveniente, deja un olor fuerte. Una vez que lo pruebas y ves de lo resultados no puedes dejar de usarlo.