Free shipping. Two heads for the Oral B Cross Action brush, it has the perfect angle to eliminate 100% the bacterial plaque, it offers an excellent cleaning and hygiene result even in the most difficult areas of the denture.
Two heads for the Oral B Cross Action brush, it has the perfect angle to eliminate 100% the bacterial plaque, it offers an excellent cleaning and hygiene result even in the most difficult areas of the denture.
The Oral B brand has an extensive range of products and utensils for oral hygiene, giving very good results in the short term.
Buena limpieza
Para mi el mejor cabezal. El CrossAction es el que mejor resultado da en la limpieza. CrossAction: tiene unos filamentos inclinados para limpiar y eliminar más placa, limpian a lo largo de la línea de las encías y penetran a mayor profundidad entre los dientes. Especialmente para la línea de las encías.