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Free shipping. Neutrogena concentrated hand cream, moisturizes and nourishes intensely, protects against external aggressions and reduces dry hands, this cream has become a paid classic worldwide.
Neutrogena concentrated hand cream, moisturizes and nourishes intensely, protects against external aggressions and reduces dry hands, this cream has become a paid classic worldwide.
It has the advantage that applying a small amount relieves, protects and moisturizes the drier and cracked hands. Even in the toughest and most extreme conditions, it leaves the hands much smoother and softer.
Application mode:
Wash your hands before applying a small amount of cream, massage so that it penetrates, it is quickly absorbed, in case we have very cracked hands, we can apply as much cream as necessary.
Neutrogena crema de manos, la mejor crema hidratante que he pro
No puedo decir mucho de esta crema. Tengo muchos problemas en la piel de las manos, las tengo con mucha grietas y secas. Con el lavado frecuente de las manos se me agrietan muy fácil mente, me pican mucho y me llegan a sangrar. Cuando me pasa eso, usando esta crema y las manos me mejoran mucho. Es un poco cara pero la verdad es que merece la pena porque cunde mucho. Eso sí, al final siempre para poder aprovechar todo el tubo, siempre acabo cortando el tubo.